Now, don't get your hopes up and think this is a game you can play once and be satisfied. I hate it when I describe getting into a new game and it sounds exactly like someone introducing themselves to AA. I will, however, go out on a limb and say that this game might turn some of those gamers over to the idea. Obviously, those out there who despise everything about free-to-play mobile games and the slowish 'cow-clicker' type of games, are going to most likely not like this game. I think this is another game where there are specifics to who you are and what type of gamer you are will determine the general take away from this.
Only difference here is 'just one more raid' and 'just one more building.' It almost has the same effect as Civilization V's 'just one more turn' effect. It feels like I have five times the activities than in Clash of Clans. The complete package that all of these things create is a game that feels more fun than chore. You may think these things wouldn't be enough to make the game amazing, but trust me, it all adds up.